as long as i remember the cost of gold has incresed internationally .. and it aslo has another benefit , if the currency
of your country goes down it does not matter because the price of gold is decided inernationally , which means it cannot couse loss
until the price of gold decreases internationally .

2:RAW MATERIALS: invest in expensive raw materials like gas oil silver . it may not seems like a good idea but believe me it is. the consumption of raw materials is high in almost every country . when the consumption increases price definitely . so raw materials are god source of income if invested properly .
3:BUILD ASSETS : assets could be anything that could bring you money. asset is a resource .
buildings , bonds , land are all assets . create a website a blog or a facebook page ,
4: COMPANY SHARES : buy stocks of companies is another option of investing. if your share is small you are silent partner of the company . you may not seems to make
changes , or give orders in company but you will recieve your share thats fair enough later if the company make improvements or its shares rises your part of shares also
rises then you may chose to sell them for money or keep them.
5:REAL ESTAES : Investing in real estate is another popular type of investment. Depending on your method of investing, real estate investing can become extremely lucrative if done
in the proper locations and the correct way. You can purchase homes to fix them up and sell them for a higher price, or you can purchase homes to turn around and rent
them to tenants for a slightly higher cost.
mostly people think bitcoin is passive income but in reality its not .. beacause it does not pays you back, its like depositing your money in a bank account.
its value may increses but it is not a permanent source of income.
passive income is something that gives you money every week or every month . without you doing any work
''money is a game .. and the good thing about game is that, you will eventually get better at it.but it takes time''
.. no one gets rich overnight.
its a lie , you earn money when yo invest money .
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